Incident Report on our patient (Ms Eno)

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the death of our beloved patient (Ms Eno) who died at an ICU centre after her successful surgery at our facility.

Ms Eno had a successful surgery at our facility.

After her successful surgery, she was anaemic following intra-operative blood loss. In line with standard practice, she was transfused with dully cross-matched blood.There was a blood transfusion reaction (TRALI).

After that, we stabilised her, and we immediately transferred her to an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) outside our facility for continuous management and care.

However, we were surprised when the ICU informed us of her death.

The death of Ms Eno saddens us and we mourn with her family and friends.

We have met with her family and provided all the information requested.

We will remain in contact with her family.

May her gentle soul rest in peace.

Public Relation Officer
Grandville Medical and Laser

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