What you need to know about skin grafting?

What is a skin grafting?
Skin grafting is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of a healthy skin tissue from one area of the body and moving it, or transplanting it, to a different area of the body.
A skin graft is the healthy skin taken from an area of your body called the donor site. The skin may be taken from an area near the injury to match the area where the graft will be placed. Grafts that are artificial or come from another person or animal may be used temporarily. These are used as covers when large areas of the skin are damaged. They are replaced with your own skin over time. Read more “What you need to know about skin grafting?”

Demafix Skin

Take a Break… Give Your Skin a breather

I’ve met and related with hundreds of women in this profession and one thing I realized is that having a perfect body shape is just one of the many concerns women have regarding their body and perceived beauty.
Smooth and flawless skin is another source of women’s concern and obsession. For this reason, the average contemporary woman spends a small fortune on skincare products thereby making the cosmetic industry a million-dollar industry.

Skincare is an obsession for most women. Read more “Take a Break… Give Your Skin a breather”


The world is currently battling the COVID -19 pandemic whose waves almost drowned the recognition of the World Tuberculosis Day, observed on 24 March each year. This day is set aside to build public awareness about the global epidemic of tuberculosis and to advocate the numerous efforts made to eliminate the disease. Today is world TB day and we at Grandville will want to share some vital information about Tuberculosis. TB remains the world’s deadliest infectious killer. Each day, over 4000 people lose their lives to TB and close to 30,000 people fall ill with this preventable and curable disease. Global efforts to combat TB have saved an estimated 58 million lives since the year 2000. It is also one of the various diseases that currently increases the risk of fatal COVID -19 infection.

Sadly, Nigeria and other developing countries are at the fore front of the regions ravaged by Tuberculosis and other vaccine preventable infectious diseases.



The world is currently responding to a pandemic of an evolving respiratory disease spreading from person-to-person caused by a novel coronavirus. The disease has been named “coronavirus disease 2019” (abbreviated “COVID-19”). This situation poses a serious public health risk. The Federal Ministry of Health, through the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), has activated a national Emergency Operations Centre at the highest level and is leading the national response to this situation. Currently, there are five laboratories in NCDC’s molecular laboratory network with the capacity to test for COVID-19 in Nigeria. These laboratories are sufficiently equipped with reagents and supplies for testing. COVID-19 can cause mild to severe illness; most severe illness occurs in older adults.


Reported illnesses have ranged from mild symptoms to severe illness and death for confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases. These symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure.

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath

If you develop emergency warning signs for COVID-19 get medical attention immediately. Emergency

warning signs include*:

Skin Blemishes and Laser Treatment- How much do you know about it

For a couple of months now, I’ve been receiving emails and DMs on our Instagram page from women everywhere complaining bitterly about various skin challenges ranging from skin tags, excess hair on the body, tribal marks, scars, etc. I’ve also received emails from those who are desperate to get rid of a tattoo they had when they were much younger.

After consultation with quite a number of them, I’ve concluded that skin blemishes, acne, wrinkles, scars, and other skin blemishes are a major source of concern for most people especially women.  Although these conditions may not be a major medical issue, they are, however, a source of insecurities, frustration, and embarrassment to a whole lot of women.

Skin blemishes come in different forms and are caused by several factors. Which include genetics, nutrition, exposure to sun rays, the side effect of certain drugs, environmental factors, age, childbearing, hormones, etc. Most of these can be treated with the use of Laser treatment.

If you were one of these women, which of these letters would you write to me:

Dear Dr. Laser,
My problem is stretch marks. I have it all over my body. I can hardly wear a short sleeved top. It has become so very embarrassing.
Read more “Skin Blemishes and Laser Treatment- How much do you know about it”

Gynecomastia (Man Boobs)

I ran into an old secondary school mate the other day and we decided to catch up on old times. We laughed over a lot of things, over stupid pranks we played on each other as youngsters, over fights we had, and over all manna of mischievous activities. We also recalled how he was often teased on end over his “man boobs”.
Oh boy, we gave the guy some serious hard time and would often taunt him with girlish names. He joined us in JSS 3 and as a new student, he would often erupt into violent tempers and attempt to fight everyone but as he realised that students were not likely to relent, as long as he was a student in that school, he decided to stop fighting us, get used to it and even joined us in making fun of himself.
Read more “Gynecomastia (Man Boobs)”

Rejuvenate your Sexuality

A letter dropped into my email 2 weeks ago. The email was from a lady who had some health challenges that she felt too embarrassed discussing with anyone. So she got hold of my email address so that she could send me an email where she could freely express herself.

After reading her email, I replied her mail assuring her that there was nothing to be ashamed off. Besides, her condition was common in some women especially those who had undergone childbirth multiple times. I further invited her for consultation in my office.

After consultation, she felt so relieved within herself that she permitted me to share her letter in my next diary entry.

The Letter…
Good Morning Doctor,
Read more “Rejuvenate your Sexuality”

Dr Laser’s Diary Brazilian Butt Lift- Enhancing a Woman’s Sexuality.

As a plastic surgeon, I have met, conversed and even counselled countless number of women over the years and I have come to the conclusion that a woman’s joy and fulfilment is tantamount to the perception she has about herself and frankly speaking, physical beauty plays a major role in defining this perception.

For this reason, my work as a body sculptor has brought me great satisfaction. I get satisfaction and joy from the reaction on the faces of my patients when they see their new bodies, from every letter they write me, from their testimonials, from stories of marriages been fixed, and ultimately from all the women we have helped achieve body goals.
Read more “Dr Laser’s Diary Brazilian Butt Lift- Enhancing a Woman’s Sexuality.”

Caring for your body after a Breast Surgery

We seldom have patients complain of complications after a successful breast surgery. Hence, When I received a call from a patient two days ago that she was having issues with her breasts after a breast lift surgery was done 2 weeks ago, I pointedly asked if she had adhered to all the instructions that was given to her which she answered in the affirmative.

We invited her over to the office so we could examine her and upon examination, we discovered that not only had she flaunted all our rules, she had taken off the surgical bra made to protect her breasts and speed up recovery.She had also involved herself in activity that had her putting pressure on the breasts.
Read more “Caring for your body after a Breast Surgery”

Grandville Intensive Care Unit- In the Business of Saving Lives

Grandville Intensive Care Unit- In the Business of Saving Lives….

Passion for life, whether I’m saving it, or I’m sculpting it, has driven me into this medical profession, not only as plastic surgeon but ultimately as a medical doctor avowed to preserve life and enable people enjoy this life in their bodies.
As an individual and also as a doctor, humanity has always been the bane of my existence and I always seize every opportunity to impact society, one way or the other.

Read more “Grandville Intensive Care Unit- In the Business of Saving Lives”