What You Need To Know About Neck Lift

Neck Lift (Lower Rhytidectomy) at Grandville Medical Group

A neck lift, or lower rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that addresses visible signs of aging in the jawline and neck.

What a Neck Lift Can Treat:

  • Excess fat and skin laxity in the lower face causing jowls
  • Submental fat (double chin)
  • Loose neck skin (“turkey neck”)
  • Muscle banding in the neck

The loss of youthful contours in the face and neck can be caused by heredity, gravity, environmental factors, and stress. A neck lift can be a good option for individuals whose neck appearance doesn’t match their upper face. Read more “What You Need To Know About Neck Lift”

Why Nigerians need Liposuction

Grandville Medical and Laser has given reasons for the need to do liposuction. According to the first-class medical practitioner, Dr. Aranmolate Rasheed Ayobami, most people are fairly happy with their overall weight and size but would like to enjoy a greater definition in their shape.

One of the main advantages of plastic surgery is the improvement of physical appearance. People who have undergone plastic surgery report feeling more confident and happier with their bodies Read more “Why Nigerians need Liposuction”

From Lagos to global innovation: Dr. Ayobami Aranmolate redefines plastic surgery in Africa

Grandville Medical and Laser stands as a beacon of innovation and excellence in Nigeria’s healthcare sector, driven by the visionary leadership of Dr. Ayobami Rasheed Aranmolate. Renowned for its advanced technologies and holistic approach, the center is revolutionizing plastic and aesthetic surgery.

Read more “From Lagos to global innovation: Dr. Ayobami Aranmolate redefines plastic surgery in Africa”

We investigate our client before liposuction-Dr Aranmolate

Dr. Aranmolate R. Ayobami of Grandville Medical and Laser has cleared the air on the procedure to go under liposuction in their hospital. Liposuction is a well-known cosmetic technique that involves removing extra fat from various body areas. The operation has risks and needs to be carefully considered before being done, despite being a generally safe and effective procedure. Client inquiry, which entails evaluating the patient’s medical history and physical condition before surgery, is a vital aspect of liposuction. The passionate surgeon and father said that the clinic investigates clients thoroughly to avoid complications. Read more “We investigate our client before liposuction-Dr Aranmolate”

What makes Ayobami’s Grandville Medical and Laser tick?

Dr. Aranmolate R. Ayobami of Grandville Medical and Laser revealed what makes the company tick, saying that the healthcare industry is very expensive, it’s probably one of the most expensive industries to invest in

“For example, it’s very easy to set up an accounting firm because what you need is probably a good office system, tables, and good human resources.

“Part of the risk is business failure, poor human resources, the recent immigration of health workers, and heavy investments. Liability can be high if proper care is not taken. Read more “What makes Ayobami’s Grandville Medical and Laser tick?”


If you call in or visit our facility requesting to have a consultation with our CMD or any of our Doctors, the closest available date will be fixed by our booking officers upon request. Please note that the sum of N5,000 commitment fee must be made before your appointment is booked. This fee will be included as part of your consultation fee.
While we do not encourage the cancellation of appointments, please note that in the event of one, 48 hours’ prior notice must be given to our booking officer. Failure to do so will cause the forfeiture of the commitment fee. This means that the N5000 commitment fee is non refundable if the cancellation is not made 48 hours before your fixed consultation day.

Post Operative Care

Postoperative care is the care you receive after a surgical procedure. It is a vital aspect of patient care which we take seriously at Grandville medical and laser. It often includes, recovery from Anaesthesia , pain management , wound care and management of other co-morbidities. The goal of postoperative care is to prevent complications, promote healing of the surgical site/s, and to ensure that you return to a good state of health.

The type of care you will receive depends on the type of surgery you intend to have, as well as your pre existing health history.

Postoperative care for most people usually begins immediately after surgery. In our facility, It begins right from the first consultation in the doctors office, in the theater and lasts through the duration of your hospital stay and continues after you’ve been discharged.

As part of your postoperative care, during consultation, you are provided with Read more “Post Operative Care”

General Anaesthesia- Allay your fears

You might have heard cases of people waking up in the middle of a major surgery or people passing on from anaesthesia. As a surgeon, I get a lot of request from patients who are afraid to go under the General anaesthesia because of these incidences. They request to have their procedures done under Local Anaesthesia which leaves them widely awake but with partially deadened part of the body to be operated upon.

For patients who asks for this option of anaesthetic, I tell them that we do not employ that form of anaesthesia for certain procedures because of the following reasons: If Read more “General Anaesthesia- Allay your fears”

Thinking of Cosmetic Surgery


It is not uncommon to have people walk into the clinic for consultation holding tightly to a portrait of how they want to look immediately after waking up from anesthesia.”Doctor , this is how i want to look”. It would seem as though cosmetic surgery would transform an alligator into a butterfly.

People get cosmetic surgery for many reasons. Some want to look younger. Others seek to change a body feature they’ve never liked, some aim at restoring their confidence after losing their former selves to natural events like pregnancy, ageing or previous botched surgeries while some others just totally want to run away from themselves into a brand new body.

While the decision is a personal one, it is important to note Read more “THINKING COSMETIC SURGERY ?”

7 Skincare Sins, You Should Not Be Caught Doing

Sometimes, Skincare and maintaining a good and healthy look is more about kicking out some bad habits, changing routines, and cultivating new habits.

Habit is a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly which tends to occur subconsciously, hence sticking to the right habits is one of the best ways to keep and maintain good and healthy skin.

This week, I’ll be writing about 7 habits you need to drop like a hot potato if you must have and maintain healthy and beautiful skin.

Take Your Hands Off Your Face!
You seriously need to stop picking at your face. Yes, I know this might be difficult sometimes given that those pimples, blackheads, etc can be so annoying. But note that picking at your skin might cause more harm than good as it will create a more ugly and visible scar. Read more “7 Skincare Sins, You Should Not Be Caught Doing”