Getting your Tummy tuck or Abdominoplasty Procedure with Grandville
A mini abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) is limited to supra-pubic skin removal (skin above the pubic area) and excess fat can be removed using liposuction. The patient must have minimal to moderate skin redundancy, a small amount of abdominal fat, and minor to moderate muscle flaccidity. Our surgeon aspirates the abdominal fat, removes the supra-pubic skin redundancy, and in cases of muscle flaccidity, the medial part of the abdominal skin is removed. Finally the skin is sutured with the umbilicus preserved. This procedure involves liposuction. Liposuction of the sides or other areas of the body can be done simultaneously. Other procedures e.g. breast augmentation can also be done simultaneously.
You are required to fast from 12midnight on the day of your surgery before you come in. You or any other adult related to you will be mandated to sign an informed consent form prior to the surgery.
Markings are made on the abdomen to guide the surgeon intra-operatively. The procedure is usually done under general anaesthesia, in which case the client is put to sleep while the consultant anaesthetist controls the patient’s breathing while monitoring the vital signs with the aid of a special device.