Getting your Tummy tuck or Abdominoplasty Procedure with Grandville

Tummy tuck or Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure which involves the repair of the abdominal wall muscles along the midline and the excision of excess skin at the upper border of the lower abdomen.

You are required to fast from 12midnight on the day of your surgery before you come in. You or any other adult related to you will be mandated to sign an informed consent form prior to the surgery. You might also be required to donate some pints of blood before the procedure; however, we have successfully done a lot without blood transfusion.

Markings are made on the abdomen to guide the surgeon intra-operatively. The procedure is usually done under general anaesthesia, in which case the client is put to sleep while the consultant anaesthetist controls the patient’s breathing while monitoring the vital signs with the aid of a special device.

This procedure involves a little bit of liposuction and repositioning of the umbilicus. Liposuction of the sides or other areas of the body can be done simultaneously. Other procedures e.g. breast augmentation can also be done simultaneously.

PLEASE NOTE that In Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), there might be some reduction in the initial result because of inflammation (swelling) and some fat loss.
1. You might also experience itching during the healing process. It is one of the body response to healing and in some cases you might need to call in for us to give you drugs to help with itching.


Tummy tuck or Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure which involves the repair of the abdominal wall muscles called rectus muscle along the midline and the excision(removal) of excess lower abdomen skin with repositioning of the belly button.

Pre-Procedure Information
There is need for initial consultation and detailed explanation of the procedure before it is done. Prior to your procedure, your blood will be taken for laboratory investigation to ascertain you are fit to have the procedure along side some other investigations depending on your age and medical health. If you have any other medical illness, we might have to invite a specialist to review and be sure you are good to go ahead. Please be informed as this will bring about extra cost on you.

Payment and Scheduling
You must have made 50% of your payment deposit before a date for the procedure is confirmed for you.

Day of Surgery Instructions

You are required to fast from midnight on the day of your surgery before coming in. This is very important, as we cannot proceed without a fasting period of 6 to 8 hours. Please do not lie to us about this, as it can lead to aspiration into the lungs, which can be fatal.

You or any other adult related to you will be mandated to sign an informed consent form prior to your surgery.

You might also be required to donate some pints of blood before the procedure; however, we have successfully done a lot without blood transfusion.

The Procedure
Markings are made on the abdomen and back to guide the surgeon intra-operatively to cut off excess skin and in some cases liposuction of the back.

The procedure is usually done under general anaesthesia, in which case the client is put to sleep by the consultant anesthetist or the anesthetist. The consultant anaesthetist take full control of the patient’s breathing while monitoring the vital signs with the aid of a special device(monitors).

This procedure involves a little bit of liposuction and repositioning of the umbilicus.

Liposuction of the sides or other areas of the body can be done simultaneously.

Other procedures e.g. breast augmentation can also be done simultaneously.

Please note that this is not a perfect procedure; however, the best result possible for you will be achieved.

You might feel irritation in your throat after the procedure; this is because of the tube that was passed through your throat to assist with your breathing during the surgery.

Post-Operative Care You will be mandated to stay in the hospital for 3-5days after which you will be discharged home. After discharge, if you have any medical concerns don’t hesitate to call the hospital or go to the nearest hospital.

Follow-up visits are on day 10 and 14 post-op. However, you can come to the hospital or go to the nearest hospital when there is a problem or concern.

You will be given medications to help with the pain and healing. The same applies to prevention of deep vein thrombosis.

If you have to cancel, please refer to cancellation policy form.

Scars and Healing
You will have a scar after the procedure spanning across both ends of the lower abdomen (this is longer than a CS scar). The scar can become hyperpigmented (become darker from the surrounding skin)after healing but would gradually fade leaving a fine long scar on the upper border of the pubic region.

NB: If you are keloid or hypertrophic scar former, there is a tendency to form along the scar line.

Pain and numbness is to be expected after the procedure but the healing time for an average individual is 2-4weeks, this might vary with individuals.

Other Information
This procedure involves a surgical team so you will be seeing new faces when you get into the theatre.

We take a before and after picture for medical and legal reasons and in some cases we post on social media to create awareness for what we do, but be rest assured that your face or any special markings on your body will be covered except we have consent to this part from you. However, if you are not comfortable with this, please tell us before the procedure.

During your recovery period we will advice you don’t take any food that will constipate you and we will not advice you drive or do any strenuous exercise until all your healing is complete or perfect.

Swelling of the lower abdomen is the last to go and kindly be informed this will happen. Obese or smoker are at higher risk of would break down after the procedure. We strongly advice you stop smoking 21 days before the procedure and if you are taking any drugs like aspirin or any blood thinner please stop 14 days before your procedure. Things like garlic or ginger are blood thinner and might make you lose more blood during your procedure.

You will feel some tightness on your abdomen during your recovery process. This is normal. Drain under the skin will be remove on day 10,this is a standard practise but it can be there longer. Please be careful to take care of the drain pipe from falling off when you are discharged home.

Steroid increases risk of deep vein thrombosis, the same with obesity and need for weight loss before your procedure, early movement after surgery is better and in some cases there might be need for ICU admission for safer monitoring.

Potential Complications
Complications includes and not limited to:

  • Pain
  • Skin necrosis
  • Itching,
  • Swelling,
  • Infection,
  • Numbness,
  • Fibrosis,
  • Keloid,
  • Hypertrophic scars,
  • Hyperpigmentation,
  • Skin irregularities,
  • Skin exfoliation
  • and Bruising,
  • Belly button necrosis,
  • Deep vein thrombosis,
  • Pulmonary embolism,
  • Difficult in breathing,
  • Pedal edema,
  • The risk of death from this procedure is less than 1%.

Please be careful to read through this process and also do your research online before you come in for your procedure.

Change of Date or Cancellation
This is to notify you that following your decision to change or cancel your procedure the hospital will be debiting against your balance an inconvenience cost of three hundred thousand naira (N300,000).

You will also need to do a repeat blood test which will cost seventy thousand naira only.

The mail and text messages that will be sent is to notify you of the debit from your account We strongly advice that you do a proper planning for your procedure before decision is made on specific date.

We can understand sometimes it might not be convenient when the change has to be made but we run by schedule in the clinic and any change is at a cost to the hospital and our organization structure.

Thanks you Management

Follow up plan for cosmetic procedures

  • Consultations: Three consultation
  • Pre op evaluation
  • Investigations
  • Payment for surgery
  • Confirmation of investigations
  • Anesthesiologist review
  • Specialist review if there is medical health issue
  • Consent signing
  • Admission for surgery
  • Admission
  • Discharge home
  • Follow up on day 4, 10,14
  • Long time follow up 3months,6 months,12 months and 2 years
  • Rivision if need be